Psalms 86
A prayer for Help
[A Prayer. Of David.]
1 Let your ears be open to my voice, O Lord, and give me an answer; for I am poor and in need.
2 Keep my soul, for I am true to you; O my God, give salvation to your servant, whose hope is in you.
3 Have mercy on me, O Lord; for my cry goes up to you all the day.
4 Make glad the soul of your servant; for it is lifted up to you, O Lord.
5 You are good, O Lord, and full of forgiveness; your mercy is great to all who make their cry to you.
6 O Lord, give ear to my prayer; and take note of the sound of my requests.
7 In the day of my trouble I send up my cry to you; for you will give me an answer.
8 There is no god like you, O Lord; there are no works like your works.
9 Let all the nations whom you have made come and give worship to you, O Lord, giving glory to your name.
10 For you are great, and do great works of wonder; you only are God.
11 Make your way clear to me, O Lord; I will go on my way in your faith: let my heart be glad in the fear of your name
. 12 I will give you praise, O Lord my God, with all my heart; I will give glory to your name for ever.
13 For your mercy to me is great; you have taken my soul up from the deep places of the underworld.
14 O God, men of pride have come up against me, and the army of violent men would take my life; they have not put you before them.
15 But you, O Lord, are a God full of pity and forgiveness, slow to get angry, great in mercy and wisdom.
16 O be turned to me and have mercy on me: give your strength to your servant, and your salvation to the son of her who is your servant.
17 Give me a sign for good; so that my haters may see it and be shamed; because you, Lord, have been my help and comfort.


Psalms 87
The Glory of Mount Zion
[Of the sons of Korah. A Psalm. A Song.]
1 This house is resting on the holy mountain.
2 The Lord has more love for the doors of Zion than for all the tents of Jacob.
3 Noble things are said of you, O town of God. (Selah.)
4 Rahab and Babylon will be named among those who have knowledge of me; see, Philistia and Tyre, with Ethiopia; this man had his birth there.
5 And of Zion it will be said, This or that man had his birth there; and the Most High will make her strong.
6 The Lord will keep in mind, when he is writing the records of the people, that this man had his birth there. (Selah.)
7 The players on instruments will be there, and the dancers will say, All my springs are in you.


Psalms 88
A prayer when you can’t find the Way
[A Song. A Psalm. Of the sons of Korah. To the chief music-maker; put to Mahalath Leannoth. Maschil. Of Heman the Ezrahite.]
1 O Lord, God of my salvation, I have been crying to you for help by day and by night: 2 Let my prayer come before you; give ear to my cry:
3 For my soul is full of evils, and my life has come near to the underworld.
4 I am numbered among those who go down into the earth; I have become like a man for whom there is no help:
5 My soul is among the dead, like those in the underworld, to whom you give no more thought; for they are cut off from your care. 6 You have put me in the lowest deep, even in dark places.
7 The weight of your wrath is crushing me, all your waves have overcome me. (Selah.)
8 You have sent my friends far away from me; you have made me a disgusting thing in their eyes: I am shut up, and not able to come out.
9 My eyes are wasting away because of my trouble: Lord, my cry has gone up to you every day, my hands are stretched out to you.
10 Will you do works of wonder for the dead? will the shades come back to give you praise? (Selah.)
11 Will the story of your mercy be given in the house of the dead? will news of your faith come to the place of destruction?
12 May there be knowledge of your wonders in the dark? or of your righteousness where memory is dead?
13 But to you did I send up my cry, O Lord; in the morning my prayer came before you.
14 Lord, why have you sent away my soul? why is your face covered from me?
15 I have been troubled and in fear of death from the time when I was young; your wrath is hard on me, and I have no strength.
16 The heat of your wrath has gone over me; I am broken by your cruel punishments.
17 They are round me all the day like water; they have made a circle about me.
18 You have sent my friends and lovers far from me; I am gone from the memory of those who are dear to me.


Psalms 89
The Lord’s agreement with David
[Maschil. Of Ethan the Ezrahite.]
1 My song will be of the mercies of the Lord for ever: with my mouth will I make his faith clear to all generations.
2 For you have said, Mercy will be made strong for ever; my faith will be unchanging in the heavens.
3 I have made an agreement with the man of my selection, I have made an oath to David my servant;
4 I will make your seed go on for ever, your kingdom will be strong through all generations. (Selah.)
5 In heaven let them give praise for your wonders, O Lord; and your unchanging faith among the saints.
6 For who is there in the heavens in comparison with the Lord? who is like the Lord among the sons of the gods?
7 God is greatly to be feared among the saints, and to be honoured over all those who are about him.
8 O Lord God of armies, who is strong like you, O Jah? and your unchanging faith is round about you.
9 You have rule over the sea in storm; when its waves are troubled, you make them calm.
10 Rahab was crushed by you like one wounded to death; with your strong arm you put to flight all your haters.
11 Yours are the heavens, and the earth is yours; you have made the world, and everything which is in it.
12 You have made the north and the south; Tabor and Hermon are sounding with joy at your name.
13 Yours is an arm of power; strong is your hand and high your right hand.
14 The seat of your kingdom is resting on righteousness and right judging: mercy and good faith come before your face.
15 Happy are the people who have knowledge of the holy cry: the light of your face, O Lord, will be shining on their way.
16 In your name will they have joy all the day: in your righteousness will they be lifted up.
17 For you are the glory of their strength; in your pleasure will our horn be lifted up.
18 For our breastplate is the Lord; and our king is the Holy One of Israel's.
19 Then your voice came to your holy one in a vision, saying, I have put the crown on a strong one, lifting up one taken from among the people.
20 I have made discovery of David my servant; I have put my holy oil on his head.
21 My hand will be his support; my arm will give him strength.
22 The deceit of those who are against him will not overcome him; he will not be troubled by the sons of evil.
23 I will have those who are against him broken before his face, and his haters will be crushed under my blows.
24 But my faith and my mercy will be with him; and in my name will his horn be lifted up.
25 I will put his hand in the sea, and his right hand in the rivers.
26 He will say to me, You are my father, my God, and the Rock of my salvation.
27 And I will make him the first of my sons, most high over the kings of the earth.
28 I will keep my mercy for him for ever; my agreement with him will not be changed. 29 His seed will keep their place for ever; his kingdom will be eternal, like the heavens.
30 If his children give up my law, and are not ruled by my decisions;
31 If my rules are broken, and my orders are not kept;
32 Then I will send punishment on them for their sin; my rod will be the reward of their evil-doing.
33 But I will not take away my mercy from him, and will not be false to my faith.
34 I will be true to my agreement; the things which have gone out of my lips will not be changed.
35 I have made an oath once by my holy name, that I will not be false to David.
36 His seed will not come to an end for ever; the seat of his kingdom will be like the sun before me.
37 It will be fixed for ever like the moon; and the witness in heaven is true. (Selah.)
38 But you have put him away in disgust; you have been angry with the king of your selection.
39 You have made your agreement with your servant of no effect: you have had no respect for his crown, it has come down even to the earth.
40 All his walls are broken down; you have given his strong towers to destruction.
41 All those who come by take away his goods; he is laughed at by his neighbours.
42 You have given power to the right hand of his haters; you have made glad all those who are against him.
43 His sword is turned back; you have not been his support in the fight.
44 You have put an end to his glory: the seat of his kingdom has been levelled to the earth.
45 You have made him old before his time; he is covered with shame. (Selah.)
46 How long, O Lord, will you Keep yourself for ever from our eyes? how long will your wrath be burning like fire?
47 See how short my time is; why have you made all men for no purpose?
48 What man now living will not see death? will he be able to keep back his soul from the underworld? (Selah.)
49 Lord, where are your earlier mercies? where is the oath which you made to David in unchanging faith?
50 Keep in mind, O Lord, the shame of your servants, and how the bitter words of all the people have come into my heart;
51 The bitter words of your haters, O Lord, shaming the footsteps of your king.
52 Let the Lord be praised for ever. So be it, So be it.


Psalms 90
God is Eternal
[A Prayer of Moses, the man of God.]
1 Lord, you have been our resting-place in all generations.
2 Before the mountains were made, before you had given birth to the earth and the world, before time was, and for ever, you are God.
3 You send man back to his dust; and say, Go back, you children of men.
4 For to you a thousand years are no more than yesterday when it is past, and like a watch in the night.
6 In the morning it is green; in the evening it is cut down, and becomes dry.
7 We are burned up by the heat of your passion, and troubled by your wrath.
8 You have put our evil doings before you, our secret sins in the light of your face.
9 For all our days have gone by in your wrath; our years come to an end like a breath.
10 The measure of our life is seventy years; and if through strength it may be eighty years, its pride is only trouble and sorrow, for it comes to an end and we are quickly gone.
11 Who has knowledge of the power of your wrath, or who takes note of the weight of your passion?
12 So give us knowledge of the number of our days, that we may get a heart of wisdom.
13 Come back, O Lord; how long? let your purpose for your servants be changed.
14 In the morning give us your mercy in full measure; so that we may have joy and delight all our days.
15 Make us glad in reward for the days of our sorrow, and for the years in which we have seen evil.
16 Make your work clear to your servants, and your glory to their children.
17 Let the pleasure of the Lord our God be on us: O Lord, give strength to the work of our hands.
